





  • 大学合作:帮助美国和中国大学对接并结成有好战略合作夥伴
  • 学位课程:留学美国,攻取研究生,本科生,和大专学历
  • 证书课程: 在职深造, 专业培训
  • 交换学生: 在校大中专学生赴美交流学习
  • 访问学者: 美中双方政府部门,大学院校,民间团体,民营企业人士互访学习
  • 高中生: 到中学学习或年满16岁可美国大学学习,获得美国高中毕业证
  • 夏令营: 到哈佛大学等世界顶尖名牌大学强化英语,和美国学生交流,体验美国文化和生活

"I am truly grateful to AIE. They helped me gain admission to study ESL at a university in the United States. I was able to complete a 6 month English improvement program in only 5 weeks. As the result of finishing the program earlier than expected, I needed to gain admission into the university earlier than planned. However, it was during the summer break and the application deadline had already past. I was very anxious and did not know what to do next. AIE immediately contacted the appropriate departments to expedite my application and obtained an admission for the September semester. They're always there for me, a $1,600 check was stolen in 2010. I didn't not knowing what to do, Lin Johnson consoled me and instructed me on how to report to the police and approach the bank. As the result, I not only recovered the $1,600 with the help of the police but was also awarded additional $800 compensation from the bank. Lin is an honest, warm-hearted and capable person who is always willing to help. She is very experienced and well connected in both the U.S. and China. I highly recommend AIE."

800 Fifth Ave, Suite 4100
Seattle, WA 98104. USA

Phone :  1 206-839-8500
Fax :       1 206-792-0624

Email :  info@aieducation.org